Hair and skin care products review

by - June 16, 2018

Hey guys! Have ordered few more products products and would love to share my experience after applying it.

I am going to review following products in this article:

1. Olive oil for hair and body by Soulflower
2. Honey and geranium multi cleanser by Seer Secrets
3. Foot soak by SkinYoga
4. Aroma oil by Soulflower 
5. Sunscreen SPF 50+ by Azafran organics

As we know it’s very important to know about the product ingredients and get reviews from people who have experienced those products before applying it on our skin. We should be very much conscious before applying any product on skin. So here I am sharing my experience of those products which are more organic and less or no chemicals are used therein. 

1. Olive oil for hair and body:

As we all know how beneficial olive oil is. And what if you apply it on your hair and body?! Well Soulflower offers this product made up of olive oil. 

Now what are the benefits of applying olive oil on hair, skin and for beauty? 

For hair - It strengthens your hair, make it shiny, split ender, reduces dandruff, reduces frizziness and makes your hair soft.

For skin - it makes your skin soft, diminish and prevent wrinkles, strengthen nails, relieve dry skin, soothe itchy skin, remove makeup. 

After applying this product, I felt light and soft on my skin and would love to use it again. 

2. Honey and geranium multi cleanser:

As we read that it’s a multi cleanser made up of honey and geranium. Honey is very good for skin and so is geranium. Seer secrets made this product to keep the ingredients pure. The best part is it’s suitable for all types of skin. As I mentioned in my previous article as well that before applying any cleanser or mask, do wash your face for a better result.

When I opened the bottle, I could smell the aroma out of it. The fragrance is amazing! Now that’s not enough. I applied the product and rubbed it throughout my face for sometime so that the pores get cleaned and washed my face. I shall say my skin turned soft till the few days on its first application which made me to review about this product excitedly. Now I love touching my cheeks to feel the softness. 

I love such products which results in what they claim.

3. Foot soak

Let me first discuss the benefits of foot soak. It relieves your muscle pain, tension, it also stimulates blood circulation, reduces joint pains, treat dry skin, removes tanning, remove cracks, works as therapy.

I am using Marigold foot soak by SkinYoga which is 100% natural foot moisturiser. As I have started swimming daily, this foot soak helps in reducing tanning and also relax my foot.

All you have to do is put some foot soak powder in the little hot water and let your foot relax in it. You may scrub your foot with pedicure scrubber for better result.

4. Aroma oil 

Love fragrance? Who doesn’t? Why not opt fragrance full oil which gives you a wonderful fragrance when you apply it? Oil helps your body to relax and easy to massage when applied. 

Aroma oil by Soulflower gives you a very very aroma which will keep you refreshing. It’s a way of upgrading your well being. 

When I opened the bottle, I could the aroma out of it which made me excited to apply it. After applying, the aroma was for a long time which made me refresh and active.

5. Sunscreen SPF 50+

Swimming in hard sun? Or on the beach? Use sunscreen with SPF 50+ It helps your skin to protect from skin damage and tanning from sunlight. 

As I mentioned I have started swimming daily, I have  ordered sunscreen SPF 50+ by azafran organics. It’s suitable for all types of skin. Its a very high breed spectrum UVA/UVB protective for face and body. It’s made up with mineral rich water, organic soya butter, water resistant, light weight and non-greasy. And it’s suitable for all ages except infants.

Hope you guys find it helpful and do let me know it in the comment box. Stay tuned for more! 

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